FROM  A  Lamp  To  A  City                          

Yunghsin Bridge-fair (永新橋市)The Motivation of CalligraphyLocation: Yunghsin County, Jiangxi, PRC Academic work: bridge complex
In “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival ”(清明上河圖), there is continuous transition between the suburb and the palace. And the highlight of the painting is the Hong Bridge (虹橋). The location of the Hong Bridge is at the middle of the painting, it's the space to connect streets with different city images, and it also connect different types of fairs from moveable fair to unmoveable fair. There are differnt kinds of social behaviors being taken place in these fairs simultaneously, like movie flims collaging at the same dimension space.

Site Analysis

Working Flow

The Motivation of Calligraphy

Two Dimension to Three Dimension

Although Chinese calligraphy is two-dimensional image, and it contains three-dimensional motivation while people writing. We study three typical skills of calligraphy, and find the relationship between these skills and three-dimensional motivation.

We create four prototype by using the motivation of the calligraphy, then we use the parameters to interfere with the motivation of the curve in some parts, for acquiring variant results to evaluate.

Prototype Evaluation
Research Procedure
Using hypothetico-deductive method to confirm the relationship between the total energy and the number of the supports.

Optimization Procedure

Research Process
The bridgehead is the space to connect the town and bridge, and there are retaining buildings at the place. The bridge's routes respond the road of town. While people passing, they will feel the city's images of new and old.
Bridge Opening:
The Bridge Opening is the space where people can stay. And it is also the transport hub of the bridge-fair, so there will be lots of citizens getting together. Furthermore it provides the shelter for the stalls.
Bridge Interior:
Bridge interior is the space in the structure. And it with function with the gallery, opera house, shopping centre and canteens.
Bridge Floor:
Bridge floor is primary place for transport. It not only connect two shores, but also organize the circulation of the bridge fair. It provides the road for pedestrians and non-motor passersby, and there are some nodes to merge the different roads.

Model Photos

Sectional Drawing